Sunday, April 17, 2005

Oldies but goodies

When is it time to put away the old furniture? Over my college years I have collected bargin furniture to fill my apartments. These pieces really have alot of character, unfortunately thay have alot of stains (don't ask), aroma, rips, and tears. I love this furniture, it may survive as some basement furniture for a few years but as my cohabitation begins I will slowly lose the stinky things I love. So this is a farewell to you heavy puke green couch. I will miss your worn cushions, your paisely pattern. The way you slightly arc and "really tie the room together" Thanks for being forgiving of beer spills and welcoming all the asses you could handle at the loft parties in Springfield. It's been a good run, but I fear it ends soon.....Goodbye..."tear"

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