Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Monday, December 19, 2005
Calling all high school graduates!
Here is an interesting Army recruitment tool. It almost makes going to Iraq look like being in a cool Emo band or something.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Yankee Dandy
So here is a question for the masses, (or the few people who read this) Why did Yankee Doodle Dandy call the feather he stuck in his hat Macaroni? Sounds like a crazy person to me.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Hide and Seek
I saw a flying V of birds today. Well, just enough to make a V, there were only three, but they were sticking to the formation. Finding patterns and order in nature is somehow reassuring. I was listening to that Hide and Seek song by Imogen Heap, probably what sparking the waldenesque observation.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Steam Power vs. Internal Combustion
Polygons Galore! I havent seen this many polygons since two weeks before my senior project when I was knee deep in Lightwave renderings. I've seen the unreal technology out there, and its definately not in Darwinia, the new game brought to you by the same people that gave us Counter Strike and Half Life FPS's. Although I feel Darwinia will become a cult classic, as seen in previous bloggings, "?" I can't help but to see the resemblance from a bad Stephan King movie.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Video Google Down?
Either I'm crazy or Google's somewhat new video search was down for most of today. Well, its a good thing its back up because now its Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
The Mountain
This is the mountain I conquered. They were right about Tryptophan. Click the image to get more details about my feast.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Introducing the Chevy Skittle
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Impossibly small
This goes out to Larry the homeless guy I met on the way to work on the metro Friday morning.
I will read the Executioner's Son if its really that good of a book.
Congratulations on winning the 25 grand thursday night.
The new ipod is called the ipod nano, you can buy it at the either the Galleria or West County malls. You will need a computer to "zap" the songs to the ipod, I'm not sure how it works either man.
Your not supposed to have food or drink on the Metro, that includes 24 ouncers of Budweiser at 8am. Hope you enjoyed the Steak n' Shake.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Ramble On
This years midnight ramble was my 2nd. I traded in my not so cycling fiance for some fellow design friends and their ladies.
Fell in Love with a Girl
At the fabulous (no, I'm not gay) Fox theatre tonight I witnessed the rock and roll of Mr. Jack White. My favorite part of the show was when he racked that cheap deco guitar and strapped that slide over his pinky finger. The man can play slide guitar unlike anything I've ever seen before. Jack was sporting the mexican outlaw hat with the stache. I was hesitant about seeing a rock and roll show in the same place I saw The Lion King, but it went over really well. Everyone stood the whole time, you didn't even notice the seats, plus it gives you that 3 three foot comfort bubble and you don't get molested. (not an improvement for some)
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Hurricane Consuela
I met a girl named consuela yesterday. Kinda sounds like a hurricane. Hurricane Consuela. Who are these women ferocious enough to have hurricanes named after them. I think I've met a few who could be in the runnings over the years. Any other good hurricane names out there? Feel free to comment.
Too much Galaga
NASA has been playing too many space invader video games. NASA's latest Armegeddonesque mission is to blow up a passing comet with a big missile. That sounds cool, and I bet thats what they said in the intitial meetings to decide whether or not to launch this multimillion dollar slingshot. C'mon, it'll be sooooo cooool!
Friday, June 24, 2005
Can a brotha get some news?
The wonderful newsmap aggregator developed by flash geniuses marumushi has become a little too popular. The server is getting abused. It's had about 40% downtime in the last month. If you haven't checked out this app yet, its really cool (when its working). Cheers to Marumushi for developing an awsome app, now go buy a better server!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
When I was Your Age!
Gas prices. I drive a car that gets a bagillion miles to the gallon and I caught myself gasping at todays jump in gas prices.....I am paying enough attention to gas prices that I notice changes. My life either lacks excitement or I'm really filling out my slippers and will soon being testing my arm flexibility with the Sunday paper. Cheer's to getting old and cheep.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Pineapple Upsidedown Cake
Whatever happened to pineapple upside-down cake? Somebody needs to bring that shit back. Cake tastes way better when you flip it upside down.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Country Crock
Shedd's Spread Country Crock makes the best butter ever. C'mon other butters, you are not even trying. Recently Mr. Shedd has come out with a new line of side dishes in deceptivly familiar containers. How am I supposed to know which one is the butter? When I reach in the fridge I use colors and shapes to navigate to the items I want to retrieve. Damn you Shedd, you had a good thing going, until now.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Under Pressue
Its just a bunch of carbon, scientifically known as 'stuff'. But if put under the right conditions of extreme pressure for a prolonged duration it can transform into something quite beautiful. Catherine Allison Green has responded favorably to my proposal of marriage. June 10th 2006 is the date. PDiddy will be jealous.
Monday, April 18, 2005
old people veggies
I guess when you get to the golden years your appetite changes slightly. I have this friend....well no thats not right. Its actually Catherine's grandma's friend. This do-gooder is no stranger to a Catholic kneeler and she helps the world by offering choice canned-goods to needy people. When I first arrived in St. Louis, I'll admit, times were tough.. Her intentions were well and her groceries appreciated. For five months she has been my vegetable outfitter even though I have graciously declined the need for more food. My bursting cabinets are occupied by roughly seventy five pounds of mustard greens, sliced beets, new potatoes, yams, and hominey. Please forward recepies.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Oldies but goodies
When is it time to put away the old furniture? Over my college years I have collected bargin furniture to fill my apartments. These pieces really have alot of character, unfortunately thay have alot of stains (don't ask), aroma, rips, and tears. I love this furniture, it may survive as some basement furniture for a few years but as my cohabitation begins I will slowly lose the stinky things I love. So this is a farewell to you heavy puke green couch. I will miss your worn cushions, your paisely pattern. The way you slightly arc and "really tie the room together" Thanks for being forgiving of beer spills and welcoming all the asses you could handle at the loft parties in Springfield. It's been a good run, but I fear it ends soon.....Goodbye..."tear"
Saturday, April 16, 2005
bumper stickers
Speaking infallible truths via tacky stickers; cheesy fonts, annoying rhymes, bumper stickers..."Abortion doesn't make you un-pregnant, it makes you the mother of a dead baby." This guy also did not like the idea of evolution and he wanted everyone behind him to know that. Introducing the new bumper sticker; Im not sure if this is just a soccer mom/ white trash thing but, what's with the ribbons? Ever since those two big buildings collapsed, Americans have felt the need to turn their vehicles into tackey billboards for either the religious, the political, or just to advertise the education they lack. These ribbons are getting as annoying as those flippin' yellow wristbands. Nothin against Lance but seriously.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Export to ipod
So I'm all geared up with apple's best stuff. I recieved a 40g ipod at Christmas from my loving mother. My wonderful, beautiful girlfriend Cate helped with my aquisition of the coveted 15in powerbook. Both machines are so lovely that when I use them a little bit of pee comes out with excitement. The only problem is, how the hell do I fill a 40 gig ipod, without flooding my powerbook with mp3s? Heres how. Doug has hooked us up with two delicious scripts. One (technically) rips CDs straight to your ipod without clogging up your hard disk. The other allows you to burn music from your ipod playlist. So if your like me and you don't want to pollute your laptop's precious space with you 40gig music library check this script out.
thanks doug!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Stout Media. As the nitrogen cascades toward the brim of the glass it forms a bed of creamy satin head. Roasty and chocolate flavors flood your pallette with every sip. This is a Rich Strong and delicious brew. Stout Media coming soon
Among the grim headlines of the past week I saw that funnyman Mitch Hedberg died yesterday of a heart attack. Those comedians have a short shelf-life, (be careful Andi) I caught Mitch's show on his first college campus tour a few years ago and at The Pageant just weeks ago, I'm glad I went to see that dude one more time. Mitch was hilarious and had a totally unique style. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from Mitch.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
All this toiling away. Once I built it I realized I did not have much to say. Cheers to the future of my web log. The birth of media, I know there is far too much crap in this world, here is my promise to not pollute the world with weak media. This will be a striving vehicle, for odd jobs and design interests. A bit of tutorial for the unpractical. How to convert an antique radio into a vintage MP3 player...Converting an old mountain bike to a single-speed city crusier....the beginning screenprinter....homebrewing techniques. I hope you find something useful.
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